423. She Talks to the Bees and People Listen
Aimée Lissantheia

“We had this lovely conversation,” Aimée recalls, talking about a chat with a honey bee who nestled between her fingers at a café. An odd story—and an unlikely relationship, perhaps—but one that led to an award-winning children’s book and a bee’s-eye view of the natural world.
Aimée Lissantheia is a creator, dancer, gardener, ceremonialist, and guide for women’s sacred journeys. Her early creative passion for dance led to decades of training, performing, teaching and choreographing with children and adults in New York and at Mount Holyoke College, where she received a BA. Aimée travels around the globe, as she brings forth her gifts of intuitive, elemental and sacred geometric dance while weaving a nourishing tapestry for the earth, much like the honey bees. She holds a vision for all children under the sun to harmoniously co-create in partnership with nature and to celebrate the preciousness of all life.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
“I think I was dancing from when I was first walking, but I was five when I started taking lessons. Because of its strong dance program, I chose to go to Mount Holyoke in South Hadley, Massachusetts. I did continue to dance there but also got very involved in theatre and art history, and expanded my world in creative ways. But it still comes back to my body and communicating through my body, and the power of how I am in my body and how that wants to express.”
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
After working 11 years as the U.S. representative of an overseas interior design firm, Aimée had a baby boy. Soon after that came what she calls “a perfect storm,” and she faced a serious health crisis. Motherhood had helped her “remember the power of my body to create and nurture life. My health challenge completely transformed my world, the way I operate in it, and it inspired me to look deeply at who I am, to heal myself. I went on a journey to get to know myself, to know how I could heal myself.” Although she credits Western medicine with saving her life, she quickly pivoted to a wide range of natural healing modalities, including energy and body work, meditation and nutrition. In opening up to the lessons of nature, she made a mystical connection with honey bees—learning from them, even conversing with them—and was inspired to write an award-winning children’s book, “The Amazing Adventures of Melissa Bee.”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“I believe strongly in trusting the power of our intuition. I started asking what was true for me, and began a practice of being true to myself. I watched for the signs outside of me that supported me as I stepped into my true self. And I began noticing what brought me the greatest feeling of reward, excitement and pleasure. I believe we’re here to live a life of joy and pleasure. It all comes down to living a life of paradise right here on Earth.”
Steps to Success from Aimée Lissantheia
- Learn to take care of yourself first, and give to others from your energy overflow.
- Allow yourself to truly get to know yourself and your gifts, and allow others to do the same for themselves.
- Pay attention to what brings youthe greatest feeling of reward, excitement and pleasure.
- Cultivate the practice of listening to your intuition and honoring its guidance.
On Her Bookshelf
The Optimized Woman: Using Your Menstrual Cycle to Achieve Success and Fulfillment, by Miranda Gray
Trust Your Vibes: Secret Tools for Six-Sensory Living, by Sonia Choquette
Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA, by Richard Rudd
The Amazing Adventures of Melissa Bee, by Aimée Lissantheia
Top Tools on Her Browser
Google Scholar, https://scholar.Google.com – Look up scholarly articles as you browse the web. A browser button is available as a Google Chrome extension. Click the button from any website to link to scholarly resources.
Connecting With Aimée Lissantheia
Website: www.amazingmelissabee.com, www.spiralradiance.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amazingmelissabee/
LinkedIn: Aimee Lissantheia
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