488. Expert Interview: How to Design Your Perfect Day for Maximum Productivity
Anna Cragin, Ph.D.

Ann Cragin is the Productivity Advisor at Freeficiency. She teaches online entrepreneurs how to improve their mindset, reduce anxiety, and design their ideal life through effective time management. Anna has a Ph.D. in cognitive neuroscience, and she applies brain & behavior research to design ways to work with and around our brains to reach our goals in business and in life.
How to Design Your Perfect Day for Maximum Productivity
“So many people have things they want to do SOME day—hobbies that they want to develop, new skills they want to learn, or even get more work done in their business, or spend more time with their families—but time is finite. At the end of the day, they find that they haven’t done everything they wanted to do. This compound’s over each and every day and they feel they don’t have enough time to do what they truly want to do. I believe that there IS enough time to do what you really want, and I offer some steps to do that.”
Why Is This Important?
“People don’t really know how to be proactive about how best to spend their time because they’ve never been taught. In school, we are taught skills, but not a single course focuses on how to be proactive about our time. In fact, I would argue the opposite is taught. We are taught how to be employees, to bend to other people’s agendas, to spend our time according to how other people wants us to spend it. That’s really the default setting of education. I want to flip that upside down. I want everybody to be proactive with their time and do the things they truly want to do every single day. My goal is to empower people to be more proactive about how they spend their time. It is completely possible with just a few tweaks of mindset and strategy.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
“The place to start with is your mindset. We are often in a mindset of running around, putting out fires, responding to emails, all that stuff. That is our default setting. The first crucial mindset switch to make is to go from “I have to do everything, it’s all urgent!” to asking yourself, “What do I REALLY have to do during my day, and what do I want to do?
“Start that mindset shift by tracking your time. Just by becoming aware of where your time goes, you will start to direct what you are doing to be more in line with how you feel you should be spending your time. You’ll begin doing this almost subconsciously.”
Connecting With Anna Cragin, Ph.D.
Website: http://www.freeficiency.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/freeficiency
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aicragin/
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Topics: Productivity