517. The Coach's Coach for Business and Health
Carolin Soldo

Carolin knew she had hit a tipping point. “I looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize myself! I didn’t feel like a woman anymore and just wanted to have myself back again. As with everything else in my life, I knew I had to do this all or nothing.”
Carolin Soldo is the founder of Brand Your Passions®, From Passion to Profits®, and The Powerhouse Coach®. She specializes in helping passion-driven women bring their skills to the world and launch thriving online coaching businesses with international reach, make an impact, and create free and abundant lives.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
Carolin was a rebel early in life. With problems at home, she learned to be independent and creative and to take risks. In high school in Germany she met Boris, a refugee from Bosnia. They maintained a long-distance romance after his family emigrated to the U.S. “I knew what I wanted to do after finishing school, and I made it happen. It wasn’t easy. It took a lot of planning and resourcefulness, but I did it, and of course, Boris helped me. In 2001, I moved to the United States and have been with Boris ever since. Between the two of us, we have started several companies.”
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
“A few years ago, I hit a tipping point. I looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize myself! I didn’t feel like a woman anymore and I just wanted to have myself back again. As with everything else in my life, I knew I had to do this all or nothing, so I hired a trainer and nutritionist and began to learn about a whole new world. I had a desire to change from the inside out. I learned about health and fitness in order to help myself and become the expert on my own body. So, after I lost 75 pounds with the help of a coach, I realized I’d built up enough knowledge to start helping people who wanted to change their lives, too.”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“I always advise my clients to examine their life and work experiences and ask themselves, what have you learned? What is your experience? What are your real skills? Look for something in your experience you can potentially monetize, package and build a business on. Or, look closely at your personal life to see what your passions are. What obstacles have you overcome? What accomplishments bring you joy? The answers to these questions might show you the way to a business. As you review your passions and skills ask if there a market for that? Can you solve a problem in the market that people will potentially pay big prices for? If that’s the case, if there’s a market and you have the skill, then you have a way to create your own thriving business and your own lifestyle.”
Steps to Success from Carolin Soldo
1. Identify a skill, passion or talent you have that might meet a need in the marketplace. Look closely at all your life experiences for clues.
2. Go all in when you find a direction, an idea, that meets a market need.
3. Learn to seek and accept guidance from people who can teach you what you need to know.
On Her Bookshelf
Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life, by Byron Katie
Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires (Law of Attraction Book 7), by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks
Leveraging the Universe: 7 Steps to Engaging Life’s Magic, by Mike Dooley
Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
Connecting With Carolin Soldo
Website: www.carolinsoldo.com
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Careers: Business Coach, Entrepreneur
Topics: Cultural Changes, Weight