665. Expert Interview: Using the Myers-Briggs to Help Find More Satisfaction in Your Career
Catherine Rains

Catherine Rains is an MBTI certification trainer—the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator—and master practitioner, with more than 25 years of organizational development experience using the personality tool to support individuals and raise their self-awareness about what comes easy and natural to them. She holds a master’s degree in counseling from Long Island University and was an organizational development trainer for Consulting Psychologists Press (CPP), the publisher of the MBTI. She currently works as a private consultant, certifying individuals on the Myers-Briggs and the Strong Interest Inventory across the United States, while also pursuing her passion for art and managing a thriving art business.
Using the Myers-Briggs to Help Find More Satisfaction in Your Career
Around the world, millions of people take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, often at work, or with a career counselor or coach. In the U.S. alone, two million people a year wait to learn their four-letter profile. Am I an ISFJ, an ENFP or something else? Without guidance, the letters mean little. But, with a trained counselor, they can open your eyes—and doors—to actionable steps in your life and career.
Why Is This Important?
Since the Myers-Briggs became widely available in the 1970s, researchers have continuously tweaked the test to improve its real-world usefulness. During her quarter-century passion for MBTI, Catherine Rains has developed keen insights into what it reveals. In particular, she explains why the two middle letters of the four-letter profiles are the key to a wealth of useful self-knowledge and guidance.
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
“Some people think the Myers-Briggs boxes people in. Actually, the intention is to open people up to all the possibilities of who they can be, with the self-awareness that if you could consciously choose to do your four-letter profile more often, life would just get much easier. You won’t end up putting so much energy out.”
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