689. Expert Interview: How to Use Your Health to Build a Better Life
Dr. Terry McCoskey and Lisa McCoskey

Dr. Terry McCoskey has been an upper cervical chiropractor for twenty-eight years in the Dayton, Ohio area, dedicating his life and career to promoting the health of his patients. He is becoming widely known as an authority for health and wellness information and for life-style tips. He also serves as a guest lecturer at chiropractic colleges, community organizations and corporations, as well as appearing on local TV and radio.
Lisa McCoskey, CECP, is a nutritional consultant, toxin-free lifestyle coach, and Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. Her blog, a Living Well Life, and private Facebook group provide exclusive hints, tips, and tricks. Lisa and Terry love spending time with their daughters and their families and Lisa’s white dove, Oliver.
How to Use Your Health to Build a Better Life
“Many people have been led to believe that their body is not very smart, and that they need something from the outside to trick it or fool it into doing better. The biggest part of our practice is helping people learn how to care for a system that was engineered and designed for success. In other words, your body heals itself.”
Why Is This Important?
“It is essential to start by assessing where the patient is starting from. Here’s what normal is, and how far away from it are you? Then, we work with the patient to create a care plan that’s designed to restore normal. When you take away the structural stress from the spine you take away the neurological imbalance from the system. You get the motor running well. Then, you focus on the fuel, the food, by getting rid of the garbage in the diet and replacing it with real, healthy food, the kind that comes from the earth instead of from a box, a bag or a pouch.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
Start from where you are. Our mantra is, “Good, better, best,” but if you just start from where you are, that’s a good start. Begin by taking personal responsibility for your own body, asking good questions, and doing some homework, and then having a thorough evaluation.
Connecting With Dr. Terry McCoskey and Lisa McCoskey
Website: www.livingwellspinecenter.com
Amazon Storefront: Amazon.com/shop/ALivingWellLife/
(All items are toxin-free.)
Facebook: facebook.com/dr.terrymccoskey and facebook.com/groups/1401991699852489/
Twitter: twitter.com/lisamccoskey
LinkedIn: hlinkedin.com/in/lisa-mccoskey-405291161/
Instagram: @livingwellspinecenter and @alivingwelllife
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Careers: Chiropractor, Nutritionist
Topics: Health