959. A 20-Year Journey Working Against the Critical Voice in Her Mind
Joanna Kleinman

“It took many, many years–my twenties, my thirties and even some of my forties–where I had all of these goals and dreams that I wanted to accomplish. And I accomplished most of them. And still, no matter how many accomplishments I had and how many successes I had in my life, there was this underlying feeling that I just wasn’t good enough. That’s exactly what my work is based on because I think that is a cultural phenomenon. I think we live in a culture that breeds people to feel unfulfilled and dissatisfied. It breeds people to look at what we want and where we want to get to instead of looking at who we already are, what we’ve already created, and the magnificent lives we are already living.”
Joanna Kleinman is a licensed psychotherapist, life and corporate coach, author, podcaster, motivational speaker, and the founder of Dethroning Your Inner Critic. She is an unconventional therapist and is driven by the conviction that the most powerful life you can live is when you know the difference between YOU and your Inner Critic. She developed the M.I.N.D Method, a time tested, proven system that brings together practical psychology, neuroscience and the power of intention to discover who you are separate from the critical voice in your mind. With over 25 years of experience, she has worked with corporations such as Campowerment, Cigna, Nestle, and TD Bank, and has transformed the lives of thousands of people.
Connecting With Joanna Kleinman
Website: www.dethroningyourinnercritic.com
Facebook: facebook.com/DethroningYourInnerCritic/
Twitter: twitter.com/innercriticfix
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/dethroning-your-inner-critic/
Instagram: instagram.com/dethroningyourinnercritic/
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Careers: Author, Business Owner, Corporate Coach, Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Podcaster, Psychotherapist
Topics: Self-sabatoge, Self-understanding, Self-worth