548. Expert Interview: Hero Habits—How to Unleash the Hero in You
Michael Hahn

Michael Hahn is a culture expert, leadership speaker, and author of his new book – Hero Habits: The Guide to Thriving in Corporate America and in Life. Recently featured in Inc. Magazine, Chicago Business Journal and Startup Magazine, Michael has led the culture movement for Allstate Insurance and also won the PRSA award for Brand Management and Reputation in 2015. He’s a master storyteller, multiple degree black belt and Superdaddy, who loves to unleash the hero in individuals, teams and organizations.
Hero Habits—How to Unleash the Hero in You
“There is a polarity inside each person, with the hero on one end and the villain on the other,” Michael explains. “And, here is a tipping point, where a hero trait flips over to the villain, in a dynamic that fits well into a story, a fable.” He explores several personality types and names them—not using psychological categories but characters—such as Captain Courageous and the villain, The Storm. Using almost mythological language and the power of story, he helps individuals discover where their personality is benefiting them and where it is creating a blind spot.
Why Is This Important?
“We can either be a hero or we can listen to that voice in our minds, which is the villain voice. Through conversations with many people, I found that everybody has this same kind of feeling: how do we unleash that hero in ourselves? We’ve all felt moments of greatness, but how do we make those moments sustainable? So, I decided to figure that out, which led me to discover specific hero habits.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
1. Design a winnable game instead of defaulting to failure.
2. Assume positive intent and don’t reject good input simply because you mistrust someone’s intent.
3. Choose happiness. You can either choose happiness or you can default to misery.
Connecting With Michael Hahn
Website: www.Michaelhahnspeaker.com and www.HeroHabits.org
Facebook: facebook.com/michaelhahnspeaker/
Twitter: @BeyondGoodTeams
LinkedIn: michaelhenryhahn/
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Careers: Author, Speaker, Storytelling
Topics: Corporate Culture