619. Rewired to Succeed
Regan Hillyer

Regan had invested thousands of dollars in personal growth seminars, diligently applying what she learned. But change wasn’t happening. When her mentor asked her, “What are you doing to rewire yourself to succeed,” she found herself staring back at him blankly.
Regan Hillyer is the founder of Regan Hillyer International, a company dedicated to providing personal development and business training to men and women who have a big message they want to share with the world. She specializes in helping experts uncover their true message and launch powerful personal brands, helping them make a major impact and build a legacy. Regan is a certified Master of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Master of Hypnosis, a Time Dynamics Specialist and a Success Strategist, and she has completed many other certifications and training.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
“I loved music, art, visual arts and anything in that realm. But, music was really my thing. I’ve played the piano since I was 4 years old. I went on to play the oboe, then the drums. I started Jazz drumming when I was a teenager. When I was 17 I moved to London, England, to teach kids to play the drums. That was my first venture out into the world. I was an inspired 17-year-old that wanted to get out of New Zealand and see what the rest of the world was really like. With my parents blessing, I went to London. I would teach music and save all my money and spend it all on travel.”
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
“One of the most profound moments for me was when I was studying to be an architect, of all things. A university lecturer led us through a guided meditation or visualization, visualizing our lives as an architect 20 or 25 years from that moment. Most people got really inspired and excited. But I had this sinking feeling in my stomach, and I thought, ‘Is this the life I really want to create? Is this really my truth? I can do this and I’m really good at this, but is this something I really want to do?’ Everything in my body said no. I listened to that. I got up and ran out of that lecture theatre.”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“So much of the work I do with people is not about teaching them anything. It’s all about helping them remember what they already are. That’s why when people tap into their power, and they start to realize their manifestation ability and all the other good things that are available, it’s not like wow, this is so crazy, I’ve got to get my head around it. Instead, it’s like, Oh! This feels familiar. This feels natural.”
Steps to Success from Regan Hillyer
1. Recognize that you already have your answers inside of you.
2. Become hyper-aware of what is showing up in your field of awareness and in your environment. Chances are, the Universe is trying to pull you and nudge you in the right direction.
On Her Bookshelf
Be Your Brand: From Unknown to Unforgettable in 60 Days, by Regan Hillyer
Make Your Passion Your Paycheck: Your 3 Phase Approach to Success, by Regan Hillyer
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth, by T. Harv Eker
The 4-Hour Workweek, by Timothy Ferriss
Connecting With Regan Hillyer
Website: www.reganhillyer.com
Facebook: facebook.com/ReganAnneHillyer
Twitter: twitter.com/ReganHillyer
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/reganhillyer
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