185. Expert Interview: Create a Competitive Edge in Five Minutes
Sam Horn

Sam Horn, Intrigue Expert and TEDx speaker, helps people create one-of-a-kind communications that scale their impact for good. Her books POP!, Tongue Fu! and Got Your Attention? have been featured in Forbes, Fast Company and The New York Times, and her speaking clients include NASA, Capital One, INC 500 & KPMG.
Create a Competitive Edge in Five Minutes
Sam Horn tells host Don Hutcheson, “Jack Welch said if you don’t have a competitive edge, don’t compete. I think if we don’t have a competitive edge we CAN’T compete. A vice president at Random House once told me, ‘Sam, we see thousands of proposals, resumes, applications and pitches. We make up our mind in the first 60 seconds.’”
Why Is This Important?
In an age weighed down by information—or “Infobesity,” as Sam calls it—the folks who win the competition are those who can raise their listeners’ eyebrows in seconds. “Using the old approach—telling them what we’re going to tell them, then telling them, then reviewing what we just told them—just makes us a bore, chore and a snore. Instead, we engage them!”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
In this podcast, Sam spells out a clear, concise way you can sharpen your message and raise your listeners’ eyebrows in mere seconds. Engage your listeners through well-crafted questions. Invite them to use their imaginations. Connect, connect, connect. Download the podcast and listen to it again and again.
Connecting With Sam Horn
Email: samhornpop@gmail.com
Website: www.SamHorn.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SamHornPOP
Twitter: @SamHornIntrigue
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SamHornPOP
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samhorn
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