563. Expert Interview: Allow Your Talents to Evolve
Sheila Cash

Sheila Cash is an international teacher, author, and speaker in the fields of human potential and conscious evolution. Using an integrated blend of modalities from science, psychology and philosophy, she helps people answer the big questions: why are we here? what is our purpose? what is life really all about? She’s also the bestselling author of “Evolve Your Life.”
Allow Your Talents to Evolve
“Movement traditionally has been taboo in our society. People in their 60s were brought up believing that we should find a place and more or less stay in it. Millennials are naturally evolving into movement and adaptation. Many of us began accepting our movement as being limited, as early as when we were 18 and were expected to know what we wanted to do in school. We ended up spending a frightening amount of money and time trying to meet expectations. But that was just about making everyone comfortable that we were stable and steady. It was not really about authenticity. Sure, there are those rare individuals who have been sole-purpose-driven since childhood, but it’s far more rare to know early on what you want to do for a lifetime.”
Why Is This Important?
“It’s all about authenticity. It’s a deep journey to understand the importance of authenticity in society today. We are seeing it through some advertising and branding, and it’s starting to happen very naturally. We used to be very standardized in society. We were rather closed off. When you think back to tribal times, taking a snapshot of evolution in human society, we can see that we needed to be standardized at one point in time. It was very useful and even critical to our survival. Then, we had the cultural revolution of the 1960s, where everybody kind of went wild. We were breaking out of the corral, trying to discover what life was all about. So, at this point in time, I really believe it is about discovering your own authenticity and making choices around that.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
“I believe that from the cellular perspective, within our species, our DNA is actually distributed in a balanced way by the grand design, the bigger picture, for a very specific forward trajectory. Again, this forward movement is organized by the bigger picture. That means each of us has a unique set of characteristics driven by our DNA, but that it really is fitting into a bigger picture. So, your talents and desires, your creativities and capacities are part of the bigger picture, quite literally. It’s both unique to you, and it also fulfills the grand design. The closer we get to our own authenticity, the greater our own life is going to flow. And we are truly fulfilling the bigger picture at the same time we are fulfilling our own authentic design.”
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Careers: Author, Speaker, Teaching/Teacher
Topics: Authenticity