128. Daring to Try, She Is The Voice of an Independent Music Success
Adley Stump

Adley Stump kick-started her music industry career with her infamous run on Season 2 of NBC’s “The Voice”/Team Blake (Shelton). Featured as one of 12 celebrities who have made it independently in the best selling book she co-authored, “How They Sell Music,” Adley’s story inspires others to follow their dreams and make a living with their music.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
As a broke college senior, Adley decided to be a “Jeopardy” contestant. The deadline had passed, but her Karaoke friends dared her to audition for “The Voice”—and she made it. She credits her 15 years of cheerleading, from kindergarten to college, for the courage to appear live on America’s top-rated reality show.
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
With the chance to perform on “The Voice,” Adley’s life immediately did a 180-degree turn. “I was so grateful, and knew I had a responsibility to make the most of it. I had friends who would have given their left leg for the opportunity, so I knew not to waste it.”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
For me, success is a matter of creating opportunity. Can I wake up and do whatever the heck I want? Sure, I have my to-do lists and commitments, but they’re not filled with things I don’t truly want to do, things that aren’t going to move me toward my end goal.
On Her Bookshelf
What Motivates Me: Put Your Passions to Work, by Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton
How They Sell Music: Lessons from Celebrities On Creating Your Own Success, by Adley Stump and Bubba Sparxxx
Top Tools on Her Browser
Connecting With Adley Stump
Email: adley@adleystump.com
Website: www.AdleyStump.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adley.stump/
Twitter: @adleystump
Instagram: adleystump
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/adleystump
Free Gift
To receive two free chapters of Adley’s book, “How They Sell Music,” visit www.howtheysellmusic.com
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