129. IBM-er Makes Practical Career Transition into His True Purpose
Mike Daciuk

Mike Daciuk is a Functional Medicine Practitioner and personal trainer in Whitby, Ontario, Canada. He spent the first 15 years of his career at IBM before transitioning to his true purpose in life—changing lives and helping people live to their fullest potential. He is blessed with a beautiful wife and four children.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
“A lot of what I learned at IBM related to presenting ideas and helping people. Interestingly, I would meet with major clients, and do our technology pitch. Then, after the presentation, every conversation turned to health and wellbeing. I would take questions. The rest of the meeting we talked about health and wellbeing.
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
“Ten years ago, I realized my true calling was health and fitness.” For six years he had a double career. “I would train early in the morning, work at IBM from 9 to 6.” At night he put the kids to bed, then resumed studying. It was his practical transition into his dream.
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“People spend their whole life chasing money and career success, going up the corporate ladder, sacrificing their health. At the end of the day they’ll give back the money they earned in their upward climb to get their health back. It’s a dichotomy, an inverse relationship. Unbelievable!”
On His Bookshelf
How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy, by Paul Chek
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth, by T. Harv Eker
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable about Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny, by Robin Sharma
Top Tools on His Browser
Connecting With Mike Daciuk
Email: info@mikedaciuk.com
Website: www.mikedaciuk.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008385197323&fref=ts
Twitter: @mikedaciuk
Instagram: mdaciuk
LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/pub/mike-daciuk/12/528/293
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