399. A Formula for a Perfect Day
Craig Ballantyne

“If you had told me when I was 18 what I’d be doing at 40, I would have looked at you as if you had two heads!” Reflecting on his own life, Craig quotes Steve Jobs: “You cannot connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking back.”
Craig Ballantyne is the author of The Perfect Day Formula: How to Own the Day and Control Your Life. He is the co-owner of EarlyToRise.com, the creator of the home workout system, Turbulence Training, and a contributor to Men’s Health magazine. Craig has also overcome crippling anxiety using his 5 Pillars of Transformation, which you can use to lose weight, get a raise, make more money, and overcome any obstacle in your way of success.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
While Craig was a graduate student in exercise science in 1999, he noticed the articles about personal training on a website that interested him. He thought, “I’m a personal trainer, I could do this, too! So, I started my first email newsletter.” A year later, while looking for a job, he sent one of his email newsletters to Lou Schuler, the fitness editor of Men’s Health magazine. “The next thing I knew it was published in the magazine! I’ve been working with them for more than 15 years now. That connection really boosted my credibility, and I started selling my information products and fitness programs online in 2001.”
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
Growing up in Canada, Craig loved playing soccer and hockey. “I played soccer at the highest level, and I had a coach who was with us for many years, who was nice, steady and consistent.” In college, he didn’t try out for any teams. Instead, he recalls, “I was excited about exercise science, learning about fatigue, strength and power, and not just about the exercises themselves, but about what goes on in the body at the muscular and cellular level. It was fascinating to learn the science behind what happens in your muscles when you are running a marathon versus when you are running sprints. I learned various types of training would accelerate people’s results–getting stronger, building muscle, losing fat.”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“I know it is tough for people to make dramatic pivots in their careers to move into the work they love, but there is so much opportunity these days with online learning, YouTube videos and podcasts. I have been fortunate to study things that are so interesting to me and so directly applicable to my career. Added to that, I’m fortunate that my own interests converged with the emergence of the internet, and with the cresting wave of worldwide interest in health and fitness. I think it’s just a matter of showing people the options that are available to them as they make changes in their lives and careers.”
Steps to Success from Craig Ballantyne
1. Spend time in introspection and figure out what really matters to you, in whatever season of life you may be living.
2. Study the people you admire and learn everything you can from the path they have blazed.
3. Organize your day so you can complete your work in the daytime and have freedom to be with your loved ones at night.
4. Use the abundant resources available online to continue your own personal development.
On His Bookshelf
Art of Living: The Classical Manual on Virtue, Happiness, and Effectiveness, by Sharon Lebell
The Perfect Day Formula, by Craig Ballantyne
Turbulence Training for Fat Loss, by Craig Ballantyne
Top Tools on His Browser
Luciano del Monte, “Cross-Training for Life”
Connecting With Craig Ballantyne
Websites: EarlyToRise.com and CraigBallantyne.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/craigballantyne
Facebook: Craig Ballantyne
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Free tools for making the most of your time each day: www.CraigBallantyne.com/freegift.
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