410. Expert Interview: Good Parents Worry, Great Parents Plan
Laura Meier, Esq.

Laura K. Meier, Esq. is a family trust attorney, best-selling author, and the mom of four children. Her mission is to help every mom and dad in America protect their children through a proper family estate plan. Laura is the author of the #1 best-seller “Good Parents Worry, Great Parents Plan,” a guide for parents that helps them understand the legal and practical steps they must take to protect their children. Her work has been featured by NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, the Fiscal Times, Worth, Investopedia, Wall Street Select and more. She frequently speaks at universities and children’s organizations on the importance of having a proper estate plan.
Good Parents Worry, Great Parents Plan
While it’s great to have a will, it tends to be so focused on the legal and financial, that it neglects some of the more important things, like the physical care of your kids and your legacy. Before my husband and I transitioned into being estate planning attorneys, we had a lot of questions, such as: What happens if we don’t come home one day? What happens to the kids? Who knows how and where to find our will? We realized we really didn’t have the planning in place that we would need for an emergency situation for our kids. With traditional estate planning, not a lot of thought goes into things such as the care of minor children or, the kind of personal legacy you want to leave behind. The goal of the work we’re doing is to help parents step back from their busy, day-to-day lives and think about what would happen to their kids if something happens to them?
Why Is This Important?
“The four areas we always want to look at are: 1) the physical care of the kids; 2) transferring your assets without the government getting involved; 3) your medical decisions and advanced directives; and, 4) leaving behind your legacy for your family. If you haven’t set up a plan to address these scenarios, the state is going to have to get involved in several ways.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
At a minimum, parents should find the information they need to begin the planning process. The book, “Good Parents Worry, Great Parents Plan,” is a guide to help parents understand the legal and practical steps they must take to protect their children. Finding someone local, whom you trust, is crucial to developing a plan. This is not a task that can be safely postponed or neglected.
Connecting With Laura Meier, Esq.
Email: lmeier@meierfirm.com
Website: www.meierfirm.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/meierfirm
Twitter: www.twitter.com/LKMeier
LinkedIn.com: www.linkedin.com/in/lmeier
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