301. Finding the Genius Inside Us All
Stacey J. Hentschel

Stacey was acting on her childhood yearning to contribute to the world by reaching out and touching people in ways that would bring them joy. Imperceptibly she was seized by a fatigue so intense she barely remembered her high-energy self.
Stacey J. Hentschel is the founder of Quantum Integrations / Inner Wisdom. She is a consultant, coach, leader and speaker, who has worked with thousands of people for over 25 years, training and coaching in the areas of developing visionary businesses and leaders and creating empowering relationships. She facilitates the building of consciousness and sustainable organizations.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
“One of my memories from childhood is of having a vision that I wanted to be able to touch people in such a way that they would be happy. I’ve always had a deep, deep yearning and a calling to contribute to the world. It’s my nature, I think I was just born this way. From age 13, I was involved in youth organizations and I was president of an organization.” She was active throughout high school, planning the first of its kind health fair.
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
“I’ve had patterns of working really hard, and also periods of getting sick. I developed mononucleosis and chronic fatigue syndrome because I overworked myself. Then I would bounce back and another opportunity would arise for me to do other work. After nearly a decade of dealing with extreme chronic fatigue, Stacey learned how to ask for and receive help, instead of always being the one who served. She calls this an experience of surrender. She learned firsthand about the courage it takes to reach out for help. This hard-won wisdom deepened her capacity for compassion and empathy as she regained her strength and resumed her life of service.
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
Her experience of intense ebbs and flows of her energy shaped the nature and direction of her work. “My work is about presence and the heart. The more we connect to the essence of our heart and soul, we really connect with what I want to call the Divine in all of us. We are able to feel that gift that everyone has. Everybody has a genius. I do a lot of work where I say, ‘Smile on the face, love in the eyes,’ as a way to connect back to the sweetness of love. After all, that’s what we all come from—love.”
Steps to Success from Stacey J. Hentschel
1. Slow down, breathe, and consciously become aware of your heartbeat and your breathing.
2. Have the courage to reach out for help and strength whenever you need it.
3. Surround yourself by loving people with whom you can build heart-to-heart, authentic relationships.
4. Send love and joy outward through your eyes. The love you send out returns to you.
Connecting With Stacey J. Hentschel
Email: infoqi@quantumintegrations.com
Websites: www.awakeninnerwisdom.com
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For first five listeners who call 949-495-9689, Stacey will offer a 20-minute free consultation to determine if you’d like to connect on business, vision or relationship.
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